Network with the webmaster who are similar to your niche.
- Connect to the webmaster who has similar kind of blog which is ranked high are viewed more often on internet.
- Appraise him about the blog your posting abou
- Forums about your niche. For example, if you have an SEO-related website,
- Website communities about bloggers. A good example is, where you can submit your blog, meet some new contacts, and discuss areas of interest.
- Currently, you can earn backlinks in Facebook and Google Profiles by putting your website in one of those fields in your profile. These links are crawlable and indexable.
- Of course, it would be advisable to put a strong effort into making your website as good as possible, so that visitors coming from that link become interested in your expertise and will most likely network with you.
- Networking websites such as Linkedin (, where you can participate in related discussion groups.
Answering commenter questions seriously
- Moderate comments on your blog.
- Look for the commenters that are asking detailed/specific questions about your post and have received no replies. The answer to this question is either not found in your article or not clearly elaborated.
- Write a very detailed answer to his/her question by publishing it in a separate article. You can write a reply around 500 words or more, depending on the complexity of the topic.
- Let the asker know you have answered the question either by replying to his/her comment or sending an email.
- In most cases, the asker will be glad of your help and will either link to it, bookmark it or even share it with other friends.
Really a lot of information here in your blog....Bookmarked it :D