
Friday, September 17, 2010

10 Free Web Analytics Tools For Your Website


It delivers the richest library of visitor statistics in the industry, and has a high intuitive and easy to use interface. The client application is built as a framework for expansion, complete with an open API, plug-in capability, and a wide range of additional features.

2. Google Analytics

The most popular free web analytics tool available today. It is extremely useful and comprehensive, which explains the popularity!

google analytics

3. Clicky

This tool shows real time statistics and has its own version for the Iphone.


4. Piwik

Here we have a downloadable open source web analytics. It provides you with detailed reports on your website visitors (e.g. the search engines and keywords they used, the language they speak, the most popular pages).


5. Yahoo! Web Analytics

Yahoo provides a free full featured enterprise analytics, which now gives insights into the demographics and category interests of your website visitors. There are also campaign management features to help you understand each audience and align with their needs.


6. Stats

Wordpress presents its users basic statistics and graphs – an easy-to-use tool for basic analysis.

7. FireStats

A free version with basic but quick and useful information about your site.

8. GoingUp

This platform combines statistical information including visitors, referring URLs and even search engine traffic. It also provides a lot of information for search engine optimization by graphing keyword positions over time.


9. Blog Tracker

It is an invisible tracker that will count your blog visits and display other statistics. The tool is extremely easy to use and very useful for Bloggers who only need basic information about their blog performance.

10. Reinvigorate

Real-time statistics is presented and this tool also alerts you when something “different” is happening on your site. Like Google Analytics, you can see the number of clicks every link in your website gets. Correct dead spots and improve your site’s traffic flow.

So now you have 10 tools that are made just for analyzing your website performance. Let us know if you can add to the list!

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