
Showing posts with label Freelance SEO consultant Bangalore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freelance SEO consultant Bangalore. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Kritagyata Trust distribute Grocery kits to Frontline and asha workers

Grocery Kit Donation to Frontline workers and Asha Workers Written by Aruna Categorised Blog Due to Covid many people have suffered financially and by losing their family members also. .Poor families in rural Bangalore across Karnataka have difficulty even to earn and feed a quality meal a day.

As such Children are facing malnutrition issues due to lac of nutritious food. 

 Kritagyata Trust  is trying to help as many families and children across India by providing grocery kits to families living in cities like Mumbai, karnataka, Bangalore, Tamil nadu, Indore, Kera , Hyderabad and other states. 

 This grocery kit can serve many poor families in fighting against the pandemic Kritagyata Trust has already distributed 1500 food and hygiene kits, 2500 home isolation kits to the needy and covid affected families across the country. 

 Kritagyata Trust also distributed grocery kits to Asha workers and Frontline workers . 

 Requests came from our Kritagyata Volunteers to help the deprived families for daily grocery needs. We are raising funds to distribute the Monthly Grocery Kits and hygiene kits to deliver to the deprived families.
About Kritagyata Trust

 Kritagyata Trust is an NGO located in North Bangalore established in 2015. We are a non profit organisation (Charitable Trust) focusing on fulfilling the basic needs of the needy related to different channels of the society.

 Kritagyata’s main focus is to help the needy children and the women who are in need. Kritagyata started shaping up with helping 3 children for education, and now we are taking care of more than 20000 children under different activities.

 We have our children home (Orphanage) ‘ MY HOME’ located in Yelahanka, Bangalore. We are taking care of 13 children here giving them all the basic facilities and molding them to face the world with confidence and smile.

Monday, July 28, 2014

SEO services can Impact your Business

Most of the business try to have their first business website online, They do get the best website design, web development and end up with a low competitive SEO Services which impact on their online investment on digital marketing.

Local Business owners  needs to know the essentials of Digital Marketing which can really impact their  website  online presence and great a good number of website traffic which can increase their online conversion, leads and ROI

Not every business owner has time to spend on learning online marketing .But choosing  the right Local SEO service agency can really help them draw a clear outline of their business needs and expansion to tap right customers and build brand with effective online marketing strategies.

You can find many SEO Companies who offer great varities of SEO Services to their customers to compete online with effective keyword analysis. market research and web marketing. But many local seo companies fail to deliver results due to lack of understanding about the online search, business and the customers.

SEO Services can really impact your business if you blend the right combination of Web marketing, SEO and Business needs with the marketing company to help them set up right online marketing strategies to place your company website in top search results  of Google, Yahoo & bing,

Monday, March 25, 2013

SEO Services Consultant in Bangalore, India.

I strive towards providing superior results for the sophisticated business. I try to deliver comprehensive, customized search engine marketing services to meet the unique needs of your website, industry, target audience, and marketing goals, no matter how large or complex.

I understand companies have to justify their marketing expenditures. That's why I provide you with the Web analytics you need to measure  processes, as well as any of your other online marketing initiatives, have a direct and positive impact on your marketing ROI. I stand tall when it comes to the latest trends, cutting edge techniques and best practices of search engine marketing. I regularly perform primary research into search engine user behavior – research that’s even quoted by the search engines themselves.

I am Search Marketing Analyst with 7yrs of Consulting in SEO, PPC, online marketing, Online Reputation Management, Social Media Marketing, Link Building, Keyword Analysis, Press Release, Article Marketing, Blog Marketing, Classified Listings, Yellow page submission, Business Listing, Local Listing and all online marketing and internet Marketing stuffs.

Contact me for Affordable SEO services
Follow me :
Facebook : naveensrikantaiah
Linkedin: NaveenSrikantaiah
Google + : +Naveensrikantaiah

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Freelance SEO Consultant at Affordable cost !

My name is Naveen Srikantaiah and as an experienced SEO consultant I know what it takes to rank in today’s highly competitive (highly sensitive) internet playing field and I CAN PROVE IT.

I have served to various industries during my 7 years of illustrious career in Internet Marketing.  SEO has been the best practice ever since i start my carrier as a Digital marketing professional.

I have hands on experience in presenting the best SEO skills to rank the website high in top of the major search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

SEO involves a great understanding of On page optimization and off page optimization for a successful SEO expert to deliver high quality results for his clients online.  

Contact me for Affordable SEO services and Freelance SEO Consultant services 

Email me @