
Showing posts with label socail networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label socail networking. Show all posts

Friday, May 14, 2010

How safe are the top social-networking sites for teens? We take them for a test run.

Now a days, teen aged groups are using socail network often, this si a veryy good sign because we can see many people are aware of internet.

But now a days social networking sites have become hub of non social activities

please refer the link below

How safe are the top social-networking sites for teens? We take them for a test run.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Twitter Buys Cloudhopper

About cloudhopper:

Cloudhopper provides mobile messaging technology and expertise to businesses in the wireless space. Currently, Cloudhopper powers some of the largest and most successful mobile messaging (SMS and MMS) campaigns in North America, Europe, and Africa.

for more information

Sunday, December 27, 2009

125 Social Bookmarking Sites :

The positive effects of social bookmarking for publishers of news sites, blogs and other web sites is outstanding. Social bookmarking can introduce the sites that you own or you like to others with relevant tastes, can drive traffic to your site, and valuable backlinks.

Some social bookmark sites like pass on link juice, while some use the NoFollow attribute. But do not let the use of NoFollow fool you, the search engines are looking beyond the incoming links from social bookmarking sites to gauge their value to their search indexes. The external metadata compiled via user generated descriptions, tags, titles and categorization is incredibly valued by the search engines, as in the same philosophy as anchored backlinks, descriptive content about a web site defined by the users of that site who are not associated with the marketing or coding of that site, can be extremely powerful in gauging the importance and relevance of the content and tags which are used on that site.

Bookmarks show how a site is perceived, and when these sites allow voting, they also show the engines or whatever classification system which monitors voting, how people feel about the quality of the site. Furthermore, social bookmarking can introduce a site to the search engines, as in some cases, people may find and bookmark a site or a site’s internal pages before a search engine can find those pages via another form of inbound link.

Monitoring social bookmarking services like, StumbleUpon and Ma.gnolia can help search engines in multiple ways by: