
Monday, December 28, 2009

10 Ways to Help Your Visitors Trust You

Trust is a key usability issue when it comes to running a
successful online business. Most people automatically view web businesses with
a bias against them compared to their brick and mortar counterparts. Your ability
to convince your visitors that yours is a trustworthy business is one of the
key components to getting visitors to convert into customers.

Creating a website that conveys trust can be tricky. There
are rarely any answers that are always “right” for every visitor.
There are, however, several factors that have universal appeal to the weary


Provide your visitors information about your company and its
primary owners and operators. Treat your shoppers with a company history and
links to frequently asked questions, policies and physical location. The more
information you provide the better satisfied any concerned shopper will tend to


Shoppers want to know that they can rely on a company to
meet their needs and concerns quickly once contacted. Be sure to respond
promptly and professionally to all customer inquiries. Don’t let email or phone
messages go unanswered for more than a couple of hours, especially if requests
are urgent.


Create ways for visitors to provide user feedback regarding
your products or services and encourage them to do so. Be sure to follow up
with feedback and use it to better your services.


Emphasize that online transactions will be handled securely
and that privacy is a top priority. Using secure logos and links to privacy
policies page is a must.


Sometimes discounts can be a negative, making you appear
desperate. However when implemented properly and professionally, percent-off
discounts and coupons can be effective and giving visitors an added desire to
move forward.


Be sure to provide low cost and/or varied delivery options. Having
more options available allow visitors to select the delivery method they prefer
and trust the most, which will then lend additional trust to you.

and product quality

If you sell brand-name products, be sure to emphasis this as
your customers will be more likely to purchase a product brand they recognize.
If you don’t have brand name products, create a brand and emphasize that. An
unknown brand name product is still better than a no-name brand product.

retailer comparison

Provide your visitors compelling reasons why they should
purchase products from you rather than an offline competitor. Highlight free
shipping, lower prices, easy access customer support, etc.


Adding a no-hassle return policy can clinch a sale. Be sure
to have return policy information easily available and spell out exactly what
is required to return a product and/or get a refund.

/ clearly distinguishable ads

Don’t clutter up your space with ads. Keep your visitors
focused on purchasing your products. If you have ads in informational areas of
the site keep them to a minimum and make sure they don’t overpower your own

In an anonymous world where customers cannot examine a
product or meet with company reps face to face, trust is much harder to come
by. Online businesses have many more hurdles than offline businesses when it
comes to establishing trust with their customer base. This means that as an
online business, you have to do more than just create a compelling reason to
convince people “why you” rather than a competitor. Establishing
trust is the key. Your shoppers need to believe without a doubt that, as a
business, you’re not just in it for yourself, but that you care and will take
care of the customer. Without having established any sort of trust there really
is no sale.

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