
Showing posts with label seo technique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seo technique. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

18 Simple SEO Items Commonly Missed in Web Development

1- Perform Keyword Research Before Developing the Site

SEO starts with keywords. And if you’re planning to market your site in the search engines, you should know what keywords you want to rank for before you even start building the site. Make sure this is done FIRST.

Here are some other posts that talk about how to properly do keyword research:

2- Put Non-www to www Redirects in Place

It amazes me how many sites load with and without the www in the URL. The problem with this is that it creates an automatic duplicate of your site, and can waste a lot of link value as people link to both versions. Decide which version of your URLs you want to use, then 301 redirect everything else to the preferred version.

3- Use a Static, Keyword Based URL Structure

Dynamic URLs can cause a lot of problems if not handled right. So rather than going through all of the headache that they cause us SEO-types, just set your site up with good URL rewrites so that you don’t have dynamic URLs in the first place.

More posts about URLs:

4- Have Unique URLs for Each Product/Service

Even if a product or service can be found multiple ways on the site, make sure that there is only one unique URL for each product or service your company offers. This helps to eliminate unnecessary duplicate content problems.

5- Include Redirect Capabilities

You never know when you’re going to want to take a page down and redirect it to something else. The mistake a lot of sites make is that they just take a page down when they don’t need it any more. When this happens you lose the link value that page may have gained while it was live. So do yourself a favor: make sure you can 301 redirect that old page to a new page that can use the juice.

6- Create a Custom 404 Page

Having a custom 404 page makes it so that if someone lands on a 404 page, they at least know they’ve reached the right site. Without a custom 404 in place, they may just assume the site is down and move on to your competitor’s site.

Here is an example of a custom 404 page:

Custom 404

7- Include Keyword-Rich Alt Attributes

Alt attributes are very easy to overlook. But if you use them the right they can be another signal to the search engines to tell them what a page is about. One quick tip on this one: don’t abuse this attribute by using a keyword phrase on every single bullet point image or stuffing a bunch of keywords into the attribute.

8- Make Room for Sufficient Content

Sometimes designers and developers get carried away with the look and feel of the page and forget to include room for text-based content. That’s what the search engines read, so you have to make sure there is a logical place for that content. Ideally, plan on having at least 150-200 words of optimized content on any page you want to rank well.

You should also make sure that your content is structured right. Have one H1 tag at the top of the main content, and then break out other sub topics with H2-H6 tags as appropriate. Make sure to use your keywords in these headings and in the content, but once again don’t overdo it.

9- Set Up Internal Linking Structure

I think that internal linking is one of the most commonly overlooked things for most sites. In fact, Ken Lyons wrote a great post about it that goes into more detail than I can in this post: Want More Link Juice? Here’s an Easy Way to Get It

10- Decide on a Consistent Title Structure

A site should use the same title structure throughout the site. Pick your convention and stick with it. A good format to follow is to have a phrase that includes main keywords for the page and describes what the page is about, followed by a separator (- or | are common), and then your brand name. For example, “Professional SEO Services for Organic Website Optimization |”. Keep these titles to under 65-70 characters so they don’t get truncated in the search results.

11- Include Meta Descriptions on Every Page

Since most of the search engines can choose to use your meta description as your snippet in the search results, you should have a unique one written for every page. Include the main keywords and a call to action to encourage clicks. DON’T just make this tag a list of keywords.

12- Allow Inclusion for Other Meta Tags (canonical, robots, etc.)

If you’re using any kind of tracking codes or other things on your site that create duplicate URLs, you’re going to want to be able to include a canonical tag on those pages. Also, depending on how your site is built you may need to include other meta tags like a robots tag and others. Make sure your site’s back end allows for this when necessary.

13- Incorporate Social Media Sharing Buttons

In case you missed it, social media is a pretty big thing right now. I’m not a big fan of the generic ShareThis button, but you need to have some kind of social media sharing buttons on your products and other important pages. Do some research to decide which social networks are best for your site and then stick with those.

More general information about social media:

14- Install Analytics Tracking

If you don’t have any kind of analytics tracking installed, you have no way to tell where you traffic is coming from, what’s working, and lots of other crucial information. Pick a solution and get it installed. Popular ones include:

Make sure that the software you go with will allow you to block your office IP address, track conversions, ecommerce revenues generated through different online sources, and anything else that will help you to understand what is actually affecting your bottom line.

15- Set up and Verify Webmaster Tools Account

Through Google Webmaster Tools you can find out a lot about how Google sees your site, and can give them indications on how to handle certain parameters, submit your XML sitemap, and be notified of problems they find with your site. Bing’s Webmaster Center is coming along, so it’s worth it to go ahead and verify that one as well.

16- Follow Web Standards for HTML, CSS, and Database Programming

The more you follow standards, the easier it will be for someone else to come along later and make changes or modify the site. It’s a real problem when a site’s backend code or database is so complex that it has to be rebuilt later in order for it to be changed.

17- Generate an XML Sitemap

It only takes a few minutes to do it, but once the site is live make sure you create and XML sitemap and submit it to the major search engines through their webmaster tools accounts. It’s even better if you can set this up so that it automatically updates and pings the search engines whenever a change is made.

18- Create a Robots.txt File

When you create your robots.txt file make sure that you are disallowing any pages or directories that you don’t want the search engines crawling. Standard examples would be login pages, search results pages, and shopping cart pages. You should also include a link to your XML sitemap as well. Also, make sure you test this file in your Google Webmaster Tools account to make sure it is working correctly.

Here’s a great site that talks more in detail about how to create a robots.txt file: About /robots.txt

If you follow these 18 guidelines you’ll launch a site that is in great shape as far as SEO is concerned. If you’re an SEO, feel free to add anything else to this list in the comments.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

8 Simple SEO Techniques Every Webmaster Should Know

Every webmaster should have some basic understanding
of these simple SEO techniques if they want to achieve
Top Rankings for their site. The more you know about
these Search Engine Optimization techniques; the better
your web pages will fare in the different search engines,
especially Google.

Optimizing your pages for the search engines should
be your main priority because conquering and dominating
your chosen keywords is often cited as one of the major
determining factors in the success of your online site
or business. You must have a rudimentary grasp of how
SEO can work for you and your site.

These simple SEO Tips will help you understand
the basics and help you reach your online goals.

1. Title Tag

The Title Tag is located at the top of your html page
and it tells the search engines what your page is about.
When you open your page in a browser these are the words
at the very top of the screen. Despite its simplicity,
the title tag is crucial to 'on-page optimization';
it should include your main keywords and it should be
63 characters or less if you want your title to appear
in full on Google.

Many SEO experts create web pages in a three-prong
approach. They place the title in:

- the title tag
- on the webpage itself
- and in the URL for that page

Sometimes they will just pick the main keywords from
the title and place them in the anchor url instead.
For example:

2. Meta Description Tag

The Meta Tag contains the description for your web page.
Your description will show up in all the search engines
so you have to be careful to write precisely and objectively.
It should be about 140 characters or around 20 words.
Make sure to include your keywords but don't spam - don't
repeat your keywords more than twice, using variations is

Keep in mind, successful webmasters make their descriptions
stand out from the crowd and entice the surfer to click
their link. It is also the first contact with your potential
visitor or prospect so make a good first impression.

3. Anchor Tag or URL

The anchor tag is used to form links within websites
or from site to site. This tag should have your title
or the main keywords from your page title to be the most

Anchor text is also important to know, these are the
underlined, clickable text or words in a link.

anchor text

If you want to check Google for all web pages
containing your keywords in the anchor tags.

Just type into Google Search:


4. Finding Backlinks

One of the keys to higher rankings is building quality
links from relevant related quality sites. The search
engines, especially Google, counts each link as a "vote"
for your site or content. Many experts suggest you include
your main keywords in the anchor text of these inbound
links in order to rank high.

If you want to find the number of backlinks your site

Just type into Google Search:


and it will give you the number of backlinks you have.

Google doesn't give you all your existing backlinks,
so you can try Yahoo! to find a more exact number.

Just open Yahoo! and type in:

5. Checking Indexed Pages

If is very important for you to know what content
the search engines have indexed from your site.
You can also check to see how your links are
displayed and to see if any titles or descriptions
are missing from your pages.

You can see how many of your pages are indexed
in Google by using the site command.

Just type into Google Search:


Another way to look at your pages in Google
is to type in "http://yoursite" and "www.yoursite"
with the quotation marks to see the exact number
of listings for each.

6. Checking Google Cache

You can also check to see the Google Cache
of your site by using the cache command.
You will also discover when it was last

Just type into Google Search:


7. Finding Associated Keywords

Keywords are the heart of the Internet,
you must dominate the search engines for
your chosen keywords if you are to succeed
online. So make sure you have your main
keywords in the Meta Keyword Tag on your
page. Many experts suggest you place your
page's main keywords in the first and last
25 words on that page.

You must also be able to find and use
variations of your keywords to completely
conquer your targeted niche. To find what
other keywords Google has associated with
your main keywords, just use the tilde
~ command to find associated phrases
in Google.

Just type into Google search:


Variations will be highlighted in bold print.

8. Finding Titled Keywords

If you want to find competing sites that have
your keywords in the title just use the allintitle

Just type into Google search:


In summary, if used consistently, these basic SEO
techniques should help improve your rankings and
keep you in the picture with regards to your standings
in the search engines. Your site's stats or raw traffic
logs will also confirm the rise or fall of your keyword
rankings. You must have complete knowledge of both your
site and your keywords in the search engines, especially
Google. Since Google will deliver most of your quality
traffic, you must optimize for it and be aware of what
is happening to your site and keywords within Google.
This is yet another example where knowledge equals