
Monday, July 28, 2014

SEO services can Impact your Business

Most of the business try to have their first business website online, They do get the best website design, web development and end up with a low competitive SEO Services which impact on their online investment on digital marketing.

Local Business owners  needs to know the essentials of Digital Marketing which can really impact their  website  online presence and great a good number of website traffic which can increase their online conversion, leads and ROI

Not every business owner has time to spend on learning online marketing .But choosing  the right Local SEO service agency can really help them draw a clear outline of their business needs and expansion to tap right customers and build brand with effective online marketing strategies.

You can find many SEO Companies who offer great varities of SEO Services to their customers to compete online with effective keyword analysis. market research and web marketing. But many local seo companies fail to deliver results due to lack of understanding about the online search, business and the customers.

SEO Services can really impact your business if you blend the right combination of Web marketing, SEO and Business needs with the marketing company to help them set up right online marketing strategies to place your company website in top search results  of Google, Yahoo & bing,

Monday, March 24, 2014

Advantages of Hiring Local SEO Consultants

Many business owners think about hiring Local  SEO Services Consultants to improve their online reach. Which is the right way to kick start online marketing. But most of them end up signing up with Black hat seo service providers or with a company which does not understand the business goal and ethics. They promote the website in most of the low ranked directories and buy links to keep their clients happy. This can yield quick results and can even rank your website with in top 10 position of Google search. But not the "Ultimate" results which can help you website or business to stay with in the online competition a long run.


By Hiring Local Seo Service Consultants or a seo company you can easily exchange the ideas, business goals and even you can have an hold on the deliverable. Local Seo consultants can read the pulse of the online searchers who are looking for local SEO services.  The activities of  customers can be recorded by tracking their activities using Google analytic. This will help you to  narrow your marketing strategies and also give a chance to increase your budget to  attract more customers through online to your business.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Digital marketing approach for Bloggers and Business owners.

Digital marketing is a trend in recent time, Many Students, Web designers, Web developers and Bloggers are keen to learn the art of digital marketing. many feel its a really good  bet to gain sufficient knowledge and experience to help business owners to build brand popularity, reputation management on social media websites and Web marketing.

In recent times business owners and bloggers are knee to get their business website/blog on top of the search results with Smart SEO, Digital marketing techniques to double their visibility and revenue

Counting on my experience and exposure to Digital marketing, I feel every business owners should invest time and money to explore the opportunities to  reach new customers.

Social Media, SEO, Web design, PPC -Google Adwords, Yahoo and bing  can really help a business to reach the right audience. many fail to use the right blend of digital strategy to create the need of search and business online.

Local business are tasting success with  the help Google Local listing a website and a minimum investment on Google ad-word expert.

Digital marketing can be more effective when you understand the searchers necessity and the business pitch.Not  every customer will buy your services, products  during his first visit to website. But the visitor can be convinced with more relevant  content (Images, Text, Videos) to help him understand and make him feel that he has landed on the right website.

A challenging 7 years of digital marketing experience behind to approach Businesses. Non-profit, educational institutions and other verticals to help them reach potential customers thru strategic digital marketing practices.

Contact me for digital marketing services at affordable cost.
Email :


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Google+ OR Facebook ?

Many may wonder why we need Google+ when they are too busy in Facebook. Google+ has  few unique touch over the Gain Social media . They help your website by increasing credibility of your website. Its ease to use and you still chat with your friends.Many of us are used too the fantasy of Facebook as we are unable to overcome the emotions of using Google+ and stay connect with our friends. Google+ also helps you to increase your website visibility with your circles and also to people who are looking for such services and offers.

Never the less Facebook also gives you an outreach to millions of audience around in the world to exchange your reviews, share and posts. Facebook can always increase the website hits by  helping you to build Facebook fan page  which can be shared among your friends and customers to enrich the chances of increasing your popularity on social media.

Google+ also does the same kind of work as that of other social media website Google Hangout, Google business page and Google profile can help  an individual or a business to pop up in search results.But not many has a tendency to hook up to G+ and share their posts instantly.

I feel both the Social Media  Google+ and Facebook can offers its customers and followers the flexibility and necessity to explore  and stay connect with their friends. Both the Social media websites are very effective in terms of Digital marketing and can help the SEO Experts, Digital marketing agency to  build a strong reputation among social users.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Digital Marketing for Small Business

Small business struggle to reach right audience due to lack of Marketing strategies. Small business tend to ignore Online media as they feel Online is more of competition and less of conversion. Its seems to right at the first though, but  Digital media is the fastest medium to reach right customer in quick time.

 Digital Marketing helps small business to set up their online presence by marketing their business thru different online platforms to increase their online visibility, Brand awareness and popularity.Currently Online has proved to the most effective marketing tool in recent times. Social media. Blogs and website has increased the  reach and capacity to build a strong sentiment with customers to revisit and stay with the business for a long.

 Digital marketing for small business needs  the right kind of blend where Social Media, Local Search and SEO all help the business to increase their revenue and create the necessity among the buyers and sellers.Small  Business owners needs to identity the right Digital marketing consultant or a digital marketing agency to setup their online business with effective marketing strategies.

Monday, March 25, 2013

SEO Services Consultant in Bangalore, India.

I strive towards providing superior results for the sophisticated business. I try to deliver comprehensive, customized search engine marketing services to meet the unique needs of your website, industry, target audience, and marketing goals, no matter how large or complex.

I understand companies have to justify their marketing expenditures. That's why I provide you with the Web analytics you need to measure  processes, as well as any of your other online marketing initiatives, have a direct and positive impact on your marketing ROI. I stand tall when it comes to the latest trends, cutting edge techniques and best practices of search engine marketing. I regularly perform primary research into search engine user behavior – research that’s even quoted by the search engines themselves.

I am Search Marketing Analyst with 7yrs of Consulting in SEO, PPC, online marketing, Online Reputation Management, Social Media Marketing, Link Building, Keyword Analysis, Press Release, Article Marketing, Blog Marketing, Classified Listings, Yellow page submission, Business Listing, Local Listing and all online marketing and internet Marketing stuffs.

Contact me for Affordable SEO services
Follow me :
Facebook : naveensrikantaiah
Linkedin: NaveenSrikantaiah
Google + : +Naveensrikantaiah

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Freelance SEO Consultant at Affordable cost !

My name is Naveen Srikantaiah and as an experienced SEO consultant I know what it takes to rank in today’s highly competitive (highly sensitive) internet playing field and I CAN PROVE IT.

I have served to various industries during my 7 years of illustrious career in Internet Marketing.  SEO has been the best practice ever since i start my carrier as a Digital marketing professional.

I have hands on experience in presenting the best SEO skills to rank the website high in top of the major search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

SEO involves a great understanding of On page optimization and off page optimization for a successful SEO expert to deliver high quality results for his clients online.  

Contact me for Affordable SEO services and Freelance SEO Consultant services 

Email me @

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Freelance PPC Consultant In Bangalore.

I am a freelance PPC Consultant based in Bangalore,India and I work with clients across the Globe.

Pay Per Click, often known as Google Adwords or Yahoo! Search Marketing, connects internet users with your products and services by displaying ads on search engine sites and other sites. An ad may take the form of a text ad as seen below or it may be an image, audio or video ad. The main search engines that offer this service are Google, Yahoo! and Bing. Each time somebody clicks on one of your ads you pay a fee. You can set a daily budget and you will not spend any more than this on average across the month.

My Experience

I have over 5 years experience of running profitable Ad words campaigns for companies in a variety of markets, including property, finance, motoring and medical and Non Profits. I strive to help you achieve the business goals of your website by delivering highly targeted traffic that is more likely to take up your products and services.  As an experienced PPC Consultant I pride myself on my ability to understand your business and provide thoughtful campaigns that deliver breadth and volume of traffic.

PPC Consultant Costs

PPC costs will vary depending on the nature of your site and what is involved with the campaign set-up. Generally, the greater volume of keywords involved, the more expensive the set-up is. The campaigns will also require management on an ongoing basis, so that the campaigns are optimised and always performing at their best. Optimizing a campaign means that in the long term you may pay a lower Cost Per Click (CPC).

Contact me for PPC Account Management:
Email : Naveensrikantaiah@gmail.comnull

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to increase organic web traffic ???

Usually we start digging the search engine to rank our website on top of the search results to ensure our website is flooded with huge traffic. But we forget the basic rules of how we should present the website to visitor.

Search engines are interpreter of our ideas. The best keywords, keywords and relevance get ranked high in the search results.

The best way to get the better of organic search results would be that of creating a genuine content which can read by both search engine crawler and the visitors. The ultimate conversion happens when the visitor who used the search engine like Google, yahoo, MSN and Bing would want to have the best results helping his query.

Once we fix the best content, web navigation and links you are guaranteed the organic sustainability and referential from search engine.