
Monday, August 17, 2009

Keywords Types

Keywords are basically explained in to search type matches:

  1. Exact Match
  2. Phrase match
  3. Broad Match
  4. Negative match

Exact Match or Exact Keyword

Exact match is defined as the search term which you enter in search engine to find the related term, where the exact key search term will be executed

For Example:

If Your searching for " Reebok Shoe" This search term is explained as exact search term, where you have enter the required keyword, and the results will be displayed for the exact search term.

Phrase Match:

Phrase keywords are explained as the search words which canbe more than one word or in a phrase or sentence, where the results will be displayed for the keywords with in the phrase which you have enter as search terms in search engines.

For Example:

If your searching for" branded cell phone" This search term is explained as phrase match where you have not explained the search engine what your looking for , so the search engine results will be displayed for all branded cell phones

Broad Match

Broad match keywords are explained as the search terms with out exact search temrs and the words which are in this " broad match" will not execute exact search results.

For Example:

if your searching for " Sports Shoe" the results will be displayed for both the keywords" the ads will be appearing for both sports and for shoes ..

Negative match

The search terms which are enter using -ve sign with the keywords is known as negative match where the results will be ilter for the keyword where you have used -ve sign

For Example:

if your using negative sign" used car" and the negative keyword is branded the ad will be displayed for only used ccar which contains all brands ads.

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