
Showing posts with label google adwords. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google adwords. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2010

Google Adwords

google adwords is a tool for promoting websites( advertisements) this adwords tool is also called PPC , pay per click .

Pay per click usually referred as when a visitor clicks on the ad which is visible on the search engine then the advertiser has to pay the amount he has agreed or bid through google adwords advertiser.

This is a very effective mode of advertisement because this will help us to use keywords which are targeting towards the business we want to promote through internet.

We can also reach the visitor faster through this type of paid advertisement.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Four Reasons Google Adwords is Not Meant for Beginners

1) First, it can be very expensive and most new marketers will exhaust their ad budget before they can successfully bring in revenue. This is mainly because Google Adwords can be deceptively difficult to master. The basic formula is to identify keywords, write an ad that uses the keywords and have a landing page that completely delivers on what your ad promises.

2) Next, Google rewards advertisers who solve the problem their searchers are trying to solve. If you fail to do this you can expect high cost per click and low traffic.

3) Further, Google purposefully keeps the exact formula for success under wraps. If you are not getting the results you are seeking, the support you receive from Google will be general at best. Expect Google to suggest "improve your landing page" or "tips for writing ads." On top of that, Google periodically change their rules requiring you to change your campaign or face the prospect of high cost per click or low traffic.

4) Finally, the instant global reach of your Google Adwords campaign is accompanied by global competition with a wide variety of skill levels and budgets.

Keep your chin up though. There are many options that exist for the new marketer.

Initially most new marketers have more time than money and that can be a good thing (more on that later). There are many low-tech approaches that have worked for decades and still do. These alternatives allow you to learn how to market affordably which will allow for some trial and error without spending your whole ad budget.

Using some of the methods below will allow you to use several forms of marketing which is a more balanced and stable long-term approach. Here is the big bonus: your competitors are still online spending themselves out of business with Adwords!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Google search results to include 'real-time' data

Fresh information from blogs, news sites, Twitter and other popular hangouts will appear in Google's search results more quickly as the company aims to give people a more comprehensive look at what's happening on the Web.

The feature unveiled Monday represents Google Inc.'s most significant step yet in the field of "real-time" search - a catch phrase for the torrent of information constantly being shared on blogs and the personal pages of social-networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

As those destinations have turned into increasingly popular forums for swapping opinions, offering news tips and highlighting interesting stories, Google, Yahoo Inc. and Microsoft Corp. all have been scrambling to retool their search engines so they reel in and showcase real-time data more rapidly.

Google reached a deal in October to blend Twitter updates, or "tweets," into its results, but hadn't explained how its system would work until Monday.

Microsoft's search engine, Bing, has included a section for tweets since late October. Yahoo began relying on tweets to point out hot news stories in its results last month.

Twitter's own search engine doesn't attempt to identify which tweets are the most relevant to each request; it simply provides a chronological list of the updates containing a specified word or phrase.

In Google's version of real-time search, a section of its main results page will include a capsule that automatically scrolls relevant information within a few seconds after it pops up in the Web index.

Normally, a new search request was the only way to see the blog posts, status updates and other information that Google had collected since the previous query.

With the change, a person requesting information about President Obama, for instance, will see the usual set of static links, photos and video, as well as the capsule with pertinent tweets, blog posts and news stories.

The real-time data won't show up right away for everyone because it will take Google's computer centers a few days to make it work everywhere.

Google's real-time information eventually will be expanded to include some of the chatter on Facebook and MySpace, the world's two largest social networks.

Although Google announced its partnerships with the sites Monday, the feeds from Facebook and MySpace won't start appearing in the real-time results until early next year, said Marissa Mayer, Google's vice president for search products and user experience.

As with Google's Twitter alliance, Mayer declined to say how much the company is paying Facebook and MySpace for better access to their users' musings. The contributions from Facebook and MySpace will be limited to commentary that already can be read by anyone logged into the sites.

Microsoft and Yahoo also have worked out deals so their visitors can see some Facebook material.

Google is trying to provide better real-time results to maintain its huge lead in search as Microsoft and Yahoo prepare to team up in a partnership that still needs regulatory approval. Google processes about two-thirds of the search requests worldwide while Yahoo and Microsoft handle a combined 10 percent.

"People expect search engines to make all kinds of information available to them," said Amit Singhal, a Google engineer who oversaw the development of the real-time tool.

Google relies on its dominance of search to drive the bulk of more than $21 billion in advertising sales annually.

Besides introducing real-time search, Google also showed off several other new tools in an auditorium down the block from its Mountain View headquarters.

The company added a voice recognition to process mobile search requests in Japanese on phones running its operating system, Android (Google already does this in English and in Mandarin Chinese). It also provided a preview of a test product, called "Google Goggles," that will enable people to send a picture taken on a mobile phone and get search results about the photographed object.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Keywords Types

Keywords are basically explained in to search type matches:

  1. Exact Match
  2. Phrase match
  3. Broad Match
  4. Negative match

Exact Match or Exact Keyword

Exact match is defined as the search term which you enter in search engine to find the related term, where the exact key search term will be executed

For Example:

If Your searching for " Reebok Shoe" This search term is explained as exact search term, where you have enter the required keyword, and the results will be displayed for the exact search term.

Phrase Match:

Phrase keywords are explained as the search words which canbe more than one word or in a phrase or sentence, where the results will be displayed for the keywords with in the phrase which you have enter as search terms in search engines.

For Example:

If your searching for" branded cell phone" This search term is explained as phrase match where you have not explained the search engine what your looking for , so the search engine results will be displayed for all branded cell phones

Broad Match

Broad match keywords are explained as the search terms with out exact search temrs and the words which are in this " broad match" will not execute exact search results.

For Example:

if your searching for " Sports Shoe" the results will be displayed for both the keywords" the ads will be appearing for both sports and for shoes ..

Negative match

The search terms which are enter using -ve sign with the keywords is known as negative match where the results will be ilter for the keyword where you have used -ve sign

For Example:

if your using negative sign" used car" and the negative keyword is branded the ad will be displayed for only used ccar which contains all brands ads.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Traffic Management

Traffic management is one the of the interesting field in Internet field ." SEO is not a one day game its a intellectual and planning job.

This requires lot of brain storming activities and research,to be top ranked and to maintain the rank.

You can't freeze that your reached your desired rank and stop doing SEO, because Google spider crawl for fresh content and keywords which makes them to rate your website .
Traffic management is a time consuming job . The traffic management is divided in to two categories

paid Traffic Management and Free Traffic management:

Paid Traffic:
Paid search traffic are categories as google AdWords(PPC), yahoo search market MSN, and other which you advertise your ads immediately and drives traffic to your website.
As these are expensive and needs a look into the research and content but ROI can be expected as this gives the visitors less time to choose online .
Your expenditure can be of yours choice as their is some nominal cost from the paid search companies," that means to say Pay as you get". here content Does not matter to be ranked high

Free Traffic:
This is a slow process but a sustainable one. as this builds the popularity in search engines, even you can term it as link building, back links etc
But here you need to be a good content writer and modifier. Because as this is free search the search spider looks for fresh content say every 72 hours you need to keep your website update or the blog updated so that your consistent and the search engine believes your website as a prime information developer for the visitors
Gradually your website will be cached and when ever a visitors enters a query online, if your website has a relevant information your website will be displayed in the first search page of the search engine.